Teaching and Learning

Tom Price Primary School offers a rich program aimed at meeting the needs of each child and helping them to reach their full potential.

Assessment and Reporting

Formal Student Reports

Twice a year, at the end of Semester 1 and 2, formal reports are issued for all students. Academic achievement, bejaviour and values are reported. Parents are encouraged to contact the classroom teacher if the report indicates an interview is required. Other reporting processes through the year may include:

  • Letter and phone calls
  • Merit certificates and Awards
  • Informal conversations
  • Parent interview
  • Open night

After School Learning Club

Tom Price Primary School is proud to once again offer the After School Learning Club program to all indigenous and torres strait islander students in Years 1 through to Year 6. The club is proudly supported by the Graham (Polly) Farmer Foundation and provides assistance with homework and enrichment opportunities for members. The After School Learning Club has been running at Tom Price Primary School since 2012.

Learning clubs support indigenous families and children in primary schools across Australia, enhancing school attendance and enabling participating children to gain a solid foundation of knewledge with skiills that maximise their education opportunities. 

In addition to improving attendance, literacy and numeracy, the program enhances the self-management, social skills and resilience of participating students. 

Tutors come from within the school, teachers and educational assistants who are passionate about helping our indigenous students at Tom Price Primary the best they can be. 

ASLC days are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2.20pm until 3.45pm, in the Art Room. We ask that students follow our schools positive behaviour expectations and try their best while they are attending to make sure that they are getting the most out of their time. If you would like further information or an enrolment form please enquire at the front office.