TPPS P&C Association

What is a Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association?

P&C Assocations are the forum for parents and citizens in government schools who have an interst in their children's educaiton. P&C Associations are established unther School Education Act 1999 for the purpose of supporting a strong government school system for the benefits of all students.

The Tom Price Primary School Parents and Citizens Association meets at the school on a regular basis.  All parents and other citizens of our community are most welcome and are encouraged to attend. 

Attendance to meetings does not mean a commitment to pledge hours of your own time, or assume responsibility for activities. It can simply be nothing more than a chance to listen and provide valuable input. However, any time you can volunteer (even if it’s half an hour to help count canteen money) will always be greatly appreciated. New parents into the school are encouraged to take an active role in the association, as new ideas are always welcome!

Parents and Citizens' Associations are directed under the Education Act towards two major aims:-

  1. To promote the interests of the school by endeavouring to bring about close co-operation between parents, other citizens and school staff.
  1. The provision of facilities and amenities and other educational needs not provided directly by the government.

The P&C Association at Tom Price Primary School has, over the years, done a tremendous job fundraising for specific resources for our School.  Activities such as the Easter Raffle, Mother's and Father's Day stalls are regular activities conducted each year and help raise valuable funds.  The school’s uniform shop and canteen are also managed by the P&C Association.

P&C Association meetings are held once a term on a Wednesday evening 6.30pm in the Staff Room or alternately on a Sunday at the Golfie at 3.00pm.  You will be reminded of the meetings as they arise via the Compass and Facebook page. The Annual General Meeting of the P&C Association is held early in February. 

For any current news regarding the P&C please check the newsletter or our Facebook page. For further information regarding the P&C or to volunteer please email