
The active involvement of parents in the educational partnership ensures the development of an educational program which closely reflects the needs of the community.

Effective formal and informal communications exist to provide opportunities for teachers and parents/caregivers to establish a respectful, supportive and co-operative working relationship. The key to ensuring success for your child at school is to be fully aware of what your child is involved in and to be actively involved in all aspects of your child's education. 

Notification of Absence

Regular attendance at school is fundamental to your child's learning. Consistent attendance and participation are eddential for your child's social and academic learning. As parents/carers of an enrolled student, you are responsible under the School Education Act 1999 to ensure the attendance of your child at school every day. Children must attend school on a daily basis unless special dispensation is given by the school for children not to attend. (eg. School Development Days).

Any absence from school is recorded and must be explained by a note, e-mail or phone call.

(08)9188 3000

Students who are late for class will be marked as late. The total half-day absences for each child will be recorded on their report each semester. Students who arrive later than 8.15am must sign in at the front office where they will be given a late note to take to their classroom teacher. 


Newsletters are issued to families on a fortnightly basis and include a bulletin of school activities, organisational details, newsworthy items, special features and a calendar of coming events. The newsletter is issued to families via the oldest child at school and is also available for viewing on the school website. Please contact the school office if you are not receiving your copy.